IDFW firewalling, using event log scraping, stopped working after applying domain controllers with Microsoft's June 8th, 2021 security patch update.
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IDFW firewalling, using event log scraping, stopped working after applying domain controllers with Microsoft's June 8th, 2021 security patch update.


Article ID: 316675


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • You are running NSX-v with IDFW Firewalling using Event Log Scraping.
  • You have installed Microsoft June 8th, 2021 - KB5003681 (Security-only update)
  • Event Log Scraping fails to get the security events.
  • Identify Firewall no longer works for Event Log Scraping.
  • The below entries will be visible in the NSX Manager vsm.log file:
2021-07-08 13:01:23.804 GMT WARN http-nio- WinEventLogCIFSReader:177 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="WARN" subcomp="manager"] Error happened when connecting to event log server: <server-name> Error message: DCERPC_FAULT_ACCESS_DENIED


VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x


The issue is encountered due to NSX-V accessing event logs on remote devices using certain legacy Event Logging APIs and as a result is unable to connect.


Currently there is no resolution.

Roll back the Microsoft June 8th security patch, if you are unable to do so, please raise a Support Request with VMware.

For non Physical workloads (VM based), you can use the GI based IDFW implementation as workaround.