Validating corrupt VCSA (vpxd.cfg)
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Validating corrupt VCSA (vpxd.cfg)


Article ID: 316610


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VMware vCenter Server


Provide information on how to check whether the vpxd.cfg file is corrupt on VCSA.

The following are possibilities with a corrupt vpxd.cfg file:

  • vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) is inaccessible through the web client with error "503 service unavailable".
  • vmware-vpxd service crashes and produces a dump file in the /var/core directory immediately on start.
  • vmware-vpxd service won't start using service-control --start vmware-vpxd.
  • /var/log/vmware/vpxd/vpxd.log shows no sign that vmware-vpxd service is writing new log entries.


VMware vCenter Server 


The vpxd.cfg file can become corrupt due to:

  • vCenter virtual machine (VM) virtual disk problems.
  • In some versions of ESXi 5.5 through ESXi 6.7, there is an issue with Virtual Machines running on an SEsparse snapshot that may report guest data inconsistencies.
  • Allowing virtual disks to fill up (other than /storage/archive) may result in a file or data corruption.
  • Doing a forced power off of vCenter VM, such as:
    • From ESXi host crashing or being powered off abruptly.
    • From selecting Power > Power Off or hitting the Power Off icon in the client.
    • Running commands to kill the running VM processes via the ESXi command line interface.


Check whether vpxd.cfg is corrupted

  1. Connect to the VCSA command line using the root user via SSH connection or vCenter VM console
  2. Run the following command to verify whether the vpxd.cfg file is valid.
    • /usr/sbin/vpxd
      • Corrupt vpxd.cfg result: Aborted (core dumped).
      • Good vpxd.cfg result: a blank return.

Repair a corrupt vpxd.cfg

  1. Deploy a new vCenter virtual machine of the same version.
    • That is, if the currently affected vCenter is version 6.7 Update 1, deploy a new vCenter VM that is 6.7 Update 1.
    • Note this VM is needed only temporarily for its copy of the vpxd.cfg file.
  2. Get a copy of the vpxd.cfg file from the VM.
Note: access and copy files from the vCenter VM to a workstation using WinSCP or other SCP clients.
  1. Copy this file to the affected vCenter to this location: /etc/vmware-vpx/vpxd.cfg.
  2. Run the command to find out the current vCenter FQDN.
hostname -f
  1. Run the command to find out the current vCenter Machine ID
/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-machine-id --server-name localhost
  1. Run the command to find out the current vpostgres version
/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -V
  1. Run the command to find out the vCenter database password for vpxd
cat /etc/vmware-vpx/
  1. Copy down all of these findings to a notepad.
  2. Use the vi editor to make changes to the new version of the vpxd.cfg file per Editing files on an ESXi host using vi except we will be editing the file on VCSA rather than ESXi.
    • Remove the key_EvaluationExpiryDate
    • Change hostnameUrl to be the correct vCenter FQDN found from the above instructions.
    • Ensure all uri tags in the <sso> area point to the correct Platform Services Controller FQDN.
      • If this is a vCenter with an embedded PSC then this information will still be the vCenter's FQDN.
  • Change the machine ID for the vpxd solution user to the machine ID found from the above instructions




  • Ensure Postgres DB version found from the above instructions is correct.
  • If there is no entry for this in the vpxd.cfg file, this can be ignored.
  1. Update the vcdb password with the password recorded earlier:
    /sbin/vpxd -p
  1. Run the command to start vpxd.
service-control --start vmware-vpxd

Additional Information

To gracefully power off a VCSA VM:

  • From the vCenter or ESXi host GUI
  1. Right-click the VCSA VM and select Edit Settings...
  2. Select Power > Shut down Guest OS
  • From the vCenter command line, accessed through the vCenter VM console or SSH session:
shutdown -h now
  • From the ESXi command line interface:
  1. Find the vCenter's VM ID. The VM IDs are the first number for each line in the output
    • vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
  2. Shut down the VM
    • vim-cmd vmsvc/power.shutdown VMID

Corrupt vpxd.cfg will not allow vCenter Server to run which will not allow management changes to the vCenter site.
Following this procedure carries risks of causing further damage if not followed correctly.
Ensure a good backup of the vCenter before implementing these fixes.