ESXi host RAM disk is full
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ESXi host RAM disk is full


Article ID: 316556


Updated On: 02-19-2025


VMware vSphere ESXi


One of the RAM disk that make up the ESXi host root file system might reach its resource pool limit as a result of a software failure or an accidental use of an incorrect path.


When an administrator manually copies files to the host and accidentally uses an incorrect path (that is, one outside /vmfs/volumes), the following error message appears:

The ramdisk 'root' is full. As a result, the file /var/log/vmware/journal/1734522506.O could not be written.

In the /var/log/vmkernel.log file, the following message may also appear.

VisorFSRam: 233: Cannot extend visorfs file /var/lib/vmware/hostd/journal/ because its ramdisk (root) is full.


Files on the affected RAM disk can no longer be extended.

Various administrative actions depend on the ability to write files to various parts of the root file system and may fail if a RAM disk is full.

Additionally, backups may fail for the VMs running on this host.


To view and identify large files larger than 1 MB, review the below steps:

  1. SSH to the affected ESXi host
  2. To view the ramdisk, run:

    vdf -h

  3. Identify files in the root directory larger than 1 MB:

    find / -size +1024k -exec du -h {} \; | less

  4. Old/stale leftover ESXi host log bundles should be copied/moved off and removed to provide space back to the ESXi host.
If the error was caused by an administrator action, delete the files that use the incorrect path or move them to a datastore.

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