1. Inspect the certificate from the VUM SSL URL
https://<VUM SERVER>:9087/vum-fileupload/ in your browser. Replace port 9087 if you have configured a custom SSL port.
2. Run this command to list the trusted roots certificates on the vCenter Server:
vecs-cli entry list --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --text3. Verify the certificate from step 1 is absent in the output from step 2.
Note: You can use the Subject Key Identifier for comparison
4. Export the certificate from step 1 to a file and copy it to a temporary location in the vCenter Server.
5. Run this command to add the certificate to the trusted roots keystore on the vCenter Server:
vecs-cli entry create --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --alias <unique name> --cert <path to certificate file>6. You can now remove the certificate file.
7. Run this command to verify that the trusted roots keystore on the vCenter Server now includes the certificate
vecs-cli entry list --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --text