This article provides information on using the ESX Admins AD group and describes alternate methods of granting AD users/groups access to the ESXi hosts.
nssquery: Group lookup failed for 'AD Domain Name\ESX Admins
[25CC6B90 warning 'UserDirectory'] Group lookup failed for 'AD_Domain_Name\ESX Admins'
VMware vSphere ESXi
By default, an ESXi host joined to an AD domain queries the domain for the ESX Admins group, and this behavior is not configurable. If the group exists in AD, it is granted the Administrator role on the host, and any user accounts in that group receive full administrative privileges on the host and can log in to the host through SSH.
If this behavior is desirable, create the ESX Admins group in the AD domain and populate it with user accounts or groups to which administrative access to the hosts should be granted. Also, additional AD user accounts, and groups can be granted with appropriate access to hosts.
If granting the Administrator role to user accounts or groups in the ESX Admins group is not desirable, try one of these options.
to No Access
. Grant other AD accounts/groups the appropriate roles. In this case, any user accounts in the ESX Admins group cannot access the ESXi host. Also, ensure that any users that need access (administrative or otherwise) to the host are removed from the ESX Admins group.
Change the default esxAdminsGroup from ESX Admins to the domain group that are the administrators:
setting to match the Administrator group that will be in use in the Active Directory. These settings take effect within a minute, and no reboot is required.Impact/Risks
No functional impacts to ESXi operations.