Unable to mount an ISO image directly from the Content Library
Article ID: 316447
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VMware vCenter Server
When trying to mount an ISO image to the VM from the content library -> No ISO's show available (screen is blank).
Right click the VM -> Edit settings -> CD/DVD Drive -> Content Library ISO -> The ISO's on the CL do not show.
All hosts have access to the underlying storage
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x
When you attach an NFS or ISCSI to different hosts in different datacenters, they have have different ids. Those are called Mirror Datastores
The code which retrieves the ISOs to be displayed tries to filter ISO items so that only the ones which the VM’s compute resource has access to get displayed. Since the ids of datastores are different, the item backing info does not match and the ISOs are not seen.
The fix is in vSphere 7.0U3d.
Workaround: Browse the datastore where the CL is located -> Mount ISO manually -> Save -> Go back into edit settings -> Go to CD/DVD drive -> VM shows as 'Content Library ISO' connected