Support bundle process exited with exit code: 1
" The log bundle details within the VAMI are stored in an SQLite database under /var/vmware/applmgmt/support_bundle.db.
In order to remove the entry, perform the following steps.
Back up the support_bundle.db file:cp /var/vmware/applmgmt/support_bundle.db /var/vmware/applmgmt/support_bundle.db_backup
Access the support_bundle.db:sqlite3 support_bundle.db
Review the associated table:select * from SUPPORT_BUNDLE_INFO;
To delete the entry:delete from SUPPORT_BUNDLE_INFO where id = '1';
Note: id = '1' corresponds to the Description portion of the table.
Confirm the entry has been deleted:select * from SUPPORT_BUNDLE_INFO;
Exit the database by pressing CTRL+D or by running:.quit
Refresh the VAMI page in the web browser.