WA Agent: How to support regular expressions with File Trigger jobs?
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WA Agent: How to support regular expressions with File Trigger jobs?


Article ID: 31644


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


Does WA Agent support regular expressions with File Trigger Jobs?



Workload Automation Agent


Regular expressions are supported with  File Trigger jobs when the System Agent is at least at release R11.3 SP4 INCREMENTAL 1 or above.


To activate this feature, new agentparm.txt setting (filemon.filename.r7regex=true) has been added to support regular expression characters.


To activate any new settings in the agentparm.txt file, you have to stop and restart the System Agent


 A typical FT Job in CA WAAE might be:


insert_job: TEST_FT1  job_type: FT

 machine: machine1

 owner: autosys

 permission: gx,wx,mx

 date_conditions: 0

 description: "FT test with regular expressions"

 alarm_if_fail: 1

 watch_file: /apps/corgl/corgl_cs1/cs1/data1/fic/???_C[0-9,A-L,N-Z][0-9,A-Z]_*

 watch_file_recursive: 0

 watch_file_type: CREATE

 watch_no_change: 1

 continuous: 0

 watch_file_change_type: "SIZE"

Additional Information

(UNIX and Linux only) If a file name in a File Trigger job is specified with square brackets used regular expression characters, whether mixed with wildcard characters or not, the characters are not recognized as regular expression characters, resulting in a file mismatch. System Agent at Release 7 allowed square brackets to be interpreted as regular expression characters in addition to the wildcard characters “*” and “?”.

 For example, a file name of *.[tT][xX][tT] will not match a file name of test.txt or text.TXT.

 A new agentparm.txt setting (filemon.filename.r7regex=true) has been added to support regular expression characters.

 When the following two settings are enabled, the agent emulates the Release 7 handling of these regular expression characters:

