Troubleshooting issues when creating or committing snapshots in VMware ESXi/ESX
Article ID: 316392
Updated On:
VMware vCenter ServerVMware vSphere ESXi
This article helps in troubleshooting issues when you create or commit snapshots in ESXi/ESX.
You cannot take a snapshot of the virtual machine.
You cannot commit the snapshot of the virtual machine.
You cannot delete snapshots off the virtual machine.
There are no snapshots visible in Snapshot Manager.
You see one or more of these errors:
Create virtual machine snapshot VIRTUALMACHINE File <unspecified filename> is larger than the maximum size supported by datastore '<unspecified datastore>'
The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created.
Snapshot guest failed: The file is too big for the filesystem.
Failed to lock the file.
Failed to do snapshot op: Error: (21) The file is too big for the datastore.
Could not power on VM: No space left on device. Failed to power on VM.
An unexpected error was received from the ESX host while powering on vm-##.
Configuration of host IP address is inconsistent on host <hostname>: address resolved to <IP Address> and <IPAddress>
Too many levels of redo logs.
Not enough disk space.
VMControl error -3: Invalid arguments.
Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder [DatastoreName] VMname/VMname.vmx already exists.