When attaching a file to a Wolken case or uploading a file directly via
CrushFTP , the "
files_from_customer" directory will contain a file called "

This file is automatically generated by the VCF Commercial Data Mover (CDM). The purpose of CDM is to move uploaded files from the DMZ storage into internal storage where Support Engineers (TSE's) can start working with the data. The aforementioned file can be seen as a transaction log.
The content and format of the file:
>>> This file contains a record of files being transferred from CrushFTP to the internal VCF CSP system, see KB 97114 for details. <<<
2024-03-20T14:28:04.448Z moved "78900771" bytes (75.25 MB) to "/opt/nfs/vcf_gs_csp_stg_srdata02/60656832/vm-support.tgz" with sha256 "29681d7e7bf6e611ef523abc50375e211044f5a03ba390b87d8db55353c70f12"
The first column is the time stamp in UTC (Z = Zulu) format. Followed by the file size, internal location incl. the file name.
The last column contains the SHA-256 hash, generated from the file after it has been written to the destination disk.
How do customers generate the hash on the source, to compare the hash is matching with the destination?
On Windows, with PowerShell:
PS C:\> Get-FileHash .\vm-support.tgz -Algorithm SHA256
Algorithm Hash Path
--------- ---- ----
SHA256 29681D7E7BF6E611EF523ABC50375E211044F5A03BA390B87D8DB55353C70F12 C:\ vm-support.tgz
PS C:\>
Linux-based OS, with sha256sum. This includes vCenter and ESXi:
[root@esx:~] sha256sum /tmp/vm-support.tgz
29681d7e7bf6e611ef523abc50375e211044f5a03ba390b87d8db55353c70f12 /tmp/vm-support.tgz
In the rare event that TSE are unable to extract a compressed support bundle, customers can use the sha256 hash from the ".vcf-cdm-copy.txt" file and compare it with the file on their local disk.
- If the hash is the same -> the source file is damaged.
- There is no need to upload the incomplete file again.
- In case of a support bundle a new one should be created and uploaded.
- If the hash is different -> the file got truncated during the upload.
- The source file should be renamed to avoid dropping the move request due to a file name conflict.
- Simply append any string to the original file before upload it again, e.g. vm-support_2.tgz.