VM looses existing TCP and/or ICMP Connectivity after the vMotion of Guest Virtual Machine when the environment is configured as follows:
1. The environment is configured with Service Insertion. This issue effects all the service insertion partners.
2. The ESXi host is configured to use multiple uplink in active/active mode.
** This issue doesn't impact the new flow. That is if you restart the Ping or TCP connection the traffic will not be impacted.
You see that the SVM and spfport are mapped to 2 different Physical nics>nsxdp-cli vswitch instance list
Client PortID DVPortID MAC Uplink
spf-spfPort 6710XXXX spfPort503a35036fc9c725 ##:##:##:##:##:52 vmnicA
Third-Party-SVM.eth1 6710XXXX 4deeec41-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-1234abcd1234 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx vmnicB<<<<<<<
Guest VM 6710XXXX 97dfac372-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz-1234abcd1234 ##:##:##:##:##:48 vmnicA