SDDC Manager Pre-check failed with Exception occurred while performing password validation task for vcenter
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SDDC Manager Pre-check failed with Exception occurred while performing password validation task for vcenter


Article ID: 316080


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


A similar issue is reported on multiple appliances during the pre-check including but not limited to NSX-T
The subscription licensing feature was disabled by following KB 90790


YYYY-MM-DDT10:24:04.991+0000 ERROR [vcf_lcm,258d448af834479a,c5dd,precheckId=########-####-####-####-##########f5,resourceType=PSC,resourceId=########-####-####-####-##########67] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.vcenter.VCenterCommon,Precheck-6] Exception occurred while performing password validation task for VCenter vcenter_fqdn
com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.model.error.LcmException: Password validation execution failed with exception: 403 : "{"message":"Unable to determine if functionality is allowed/blocked.","status":403}".


YYYY-MM-DDT10:24:04.987+0000 ERROR [vcf_om,33873c73e247986e,75dd] [c.v.v.f.t.i.FunctionalityToggleApiFilter,http-nio-] Functionality blocked:
com.vmware.vcf.functionality.toggle.error.FunctionalityToggleException: Unable to determine if functionality is allowed/blocked.
Caused by:


YYYY-MM-DDT10:24:04.982+0000 ERROR [common,33873c73e247986e,75dd] [c.v.v.r.s.util.LicensingStateUtil,http-nio-] Failed to get licensing state. Response code 404
YYYY-MM-DDT10:24:04.983+0000 ERROR [common,33873c73e247986e,75dd] [c.v.v.r.r.a.c.v.ResourceFunctionalitiesController,http-nio-] Exception occurred when retrieving the resource functionalities.
com.vmware.evo.sddc.common.core.error.InvalidStateException: Error encountered while fetching system licensing state.


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5.x
Vmware Cloud Foundation 4.5


The required API /v1/licensing-info is only exposed if the subscription is enabled.


  1. SSH into the SDDC Manager and elevate to root with su.
  2. Add the following to the /home/vcf/ file. (Create the file if it does not already exist)
  3. Update the permissions on the file.
    • chown vcf:vcf /home/vcf/
  4. Restart the operationsmanager service
    • systemctl restart operationsmanager
  5. Retry the pre-check from the SDDC Manager UI.