SDDC Manager password remediation for NSX-T Edge nodes failing with Error: Unable to get transport nodes from NSX-T cluster
Article ID: 316073
Updated On:
VMware Cloud Foundation
To perform list of troubleshooting to resolve the error with password remediation and allow successful credential remediate operation in Password Management tab of the SDDC Manager UI.
Symptoms: Password remediate for NSX-T Edge node failing with below error in SDDC UI:
Unable to obtain SSH connectivity to entity: <nsx-t edge node fqdn>
SDDC Manager > operationsmanager.log
Vmware Cloud Foundation 4.5 VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x
Mismatched hostname of Edge Node in SDDC Manager Platform DB
ssh to sddc manager with vcf user and su to root
Run the below command on SDDC Manager to fetch all the edge nodes deployed
Note: Replace the <id> with the edge node id gathered in Step 3.
From the above response check the hostname value under node_deployment_info -> node_settings -> hostname
The hostname here should exactly match the hostname on SDDC DB & in the NSXT Edge CLI ---> Match FQDN / Short name / Lower or upper case.
Update nsxt_edge_nodes in nsxt_edge_cluster table with the matching hostname in SDDC Platform DB - Take snapshot of SDDC Manager before making any changes to SDDC DB # psql -h localhost -U postgres -d platform
# \x (To Expand display)
# select id,status,name,nsxt_edge_nodes,source_id from nsxt_edge_cluster;
Example Output:
id | xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxx -------> Note the id of the nsxt_edge_cluster which needs to be updated creation_time | 1736818011178 modification_time | 1736820241138 status | ACTIVE name | ab-bcd-def01 nsxt_edge_nodes | [ {"vmManagement IpAddress": "##.##.##.##", "vmHostname": "<nsxedge-FQDN>", "sourceId": "######.####.####.###########", "id ": "######.####.####.###########"}, {"vmManagement IpAddress": "##.##.##.##", "vmHostname": "nsxedge-FQDN", "sourceId": "######.####.####.###########", "id": "######.####.####.###########"}]
# update nsxt_edge_cluster set nsxt_edge_nodes='<above output highlighted in blue>' where id='<nsxt_edge_cluster id noted from above step>';