Fetching bundles fails with 504 gateway timeout error in SDDC Manager
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Fetching bundles fails with 504 gateway timeout error in SDDC Manager


Article ID: 316064


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VMware Cloud Foundation


To fasten the LCM API's to respond

SDDC Manager Bundle Management shows the below error

Retrieving all applicable bundles failed. Http failure response for https://<VC_fqdn>/ui/api/internal/lcm/repository/true: 504 Gateway Time-out

lcm logs are overwhelmed with excessive debug log statements as below:

YYYY-MM-DDT19:11:29.487+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,cf2dca2e824e4bb1,b8ed] [c.v.e.s.l.d.c.m.LcmManifestClientImpl,http-nio-] Manifest Service model { "version": 1, "sequenceNumber": 2, "creationTime": 1603257914075, "publishedDate": 1605761200653, "releases": [ { "product": "VCF", "version": "", "description": "\



VMware Cloud Foundation 4.1
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x


The LCM get available upgrade API response happens to be very slow as a result fetching the bundles happen to time-out


  1. Take a snapshot of SDDC Manager VM
  2. ssh to sddc manager with vcf user and su to root
  3. Take a backup of logback-prod.xml file
    • cp /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/conf/logback-prod.xml /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/conf/logback-prod.xml.bkp
  4. Disable the DEBUG level logging
    • vi /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/conf/logback-prod.xml
    • for the highlighted entry in logback-prod.xml change it to "INFO" from "DEBUG" to reduce the logging
    • image.png
  5. Restart lcm service
    • systemctl restart lcm
  6. Increase the nginx timeout - Follow the steps below
    • chmod 0700 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    • Note: Take a backup of this file prior to proceeding further
    • vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    • Under the http section, above the server section add the following lines:
    • proxy_read_timeout 600;
      proxy_connect_timeout 600;
      proxy_send_timeout 600;
    • below image is for its reference save and exit the file
    • image.png
  7. Validate that the re-configured nginx file is valid
    • nginx -t
  8. Restart the nginx service
    • systemctl restart nginx