Renaming NSX-T Uplink names after VCF 3.x to VCF 4.x migration, only if includes NSX-V to NSX-T migration, to allow VSAN Stretch cluster operation to complete without errors.
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Renaming NSX-T Uplink names after VCF 3.x to VCF 4.x migration, only if includes NSX-V to NSX-T migration, to allow VSAN Stretch cluster operation to complete without errors.


Article ID: 316063


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


In order to have an operational VSAN Stretch cluster, all uplink should be configured according to the naming  convention.

VCF Day-N vSAN Stretch cluster operation will completed with errors.


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x


The VCF NSX-V to NSX-T migration automation configures the uplink names using not correct template uplinkN (uplink1, uplink2, uplink3) instead of - uplink-N (uplink-1, uplink-2, uplink-3)


Step-by-step guide for VCF Workload domain:
  1. Open NSX-T UI using VIP FQDN and the admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to the page for the Host Transport Nodes : System -> Fabric -> Nodes -> Host Transport Nodes 
  3. On the "Managed by" dropbox, select the domain vCenter (All hosts and cluster that belongs to the selected vCenter will appear on the table on the page)
  4. Select the cluster from the table and click the "CONFIGURE NSX" button located above the table.
  5. On the NSX Installation window choose the Transport Node Profile that is responsible for the selected cluster. 
    • Note: "Transport Node Profile name will follow this pattern "<cluster_name>-<UUID>" for Management Domains and "<vcenter_name>-<cluster_name> for VI Workload Domains which gave the information for which cluster it is responsible (Example1: TNP "SDDC-Cluster1-f60eb63f-724a-4e74-8601-51ae90e9607a" is responsible for cluster named "SDDC-Cluster1")
    • (Example2: TNP "vcenter-2-vi-cluster1" is responsible for cluster named "vi-cluster1")
  6. Wait until "NSX Configuration" status is "Success" for all hosts that belong to the cluster.
  7. Navigate to the page for the Uplink Profiles: System -> Fabric -> Profiles -> Uplink Profiles
  8. From the table of all existing uplink profiles, select the one that is assigned to the host transport nodes from the selected cluster.
    • Note: To see the assigned Uplink profile for each Host Transport Node:
      • Navigate to the page for the Host Transport Nodes (System->Fabric->Nodes->Host Transport Nodes)
      • Select one Host Transport Node, and under Overview -> Summary section click "EDIT" button
      • Click "NEXT" button on the newly displayed window to continue to the section "2 Configure NSX"
      • Expand the configurations for the VDS switch and there will be an option that shows the assigned Uplink Profile.
      • By default each Host Transport Node from the cluster has the same Uplink Profile assigned.
  9. Click "Edit" button for the selected Uplink Profile.
  10. In the Teamings table edit the name of the one of the configured Active/StandBy Uplinks to follow the new format "uplink-N"
    • (where N is number) (Example: rename "uplink1" to "uplink-1")
  11. Note: For the consistency, it is recommended to rename the uplink in each Teaming that contains the changed uplink name
    • (Example: uplink1 -> uplink-1; uplink1-failover_order -> uplink-1-failover_order)
  12. Click "SAVE" button once the uplink naming completed.
  13. Navigate to the page for the Transport Node Profiles: System -> Fabric -> Profiles -> Transport Node Profiles)
  14. On the NSX Installation window choose the Transport Node Profile that is responsible for the selected cluster and click "EDIT" button. (See the NOTE from 5.)
  15. In the newly opened edit windows under Teaming Policy Uplink Mapping table select the correct VDS Uplink for the renamed uplink
    • (Example: For "uplink-1" select "uplink1" for VDS Uplink)
  16. Click "SAVE" button once the renamed uplink has selected VDS uplink.
  17. Navigate to the page for the Host Transport Nodes: System -> Fabric -> Nodes -> Host Transport Nodes) and wait until "NSX Configuration" status is "Success" for all hosts that belong to the selected cluster.
  18. Repeat the steps from 7 to 16 to rename each existing uplink (uplink1, uplink2,...)
  19. Once the uplink renaming process completes for the selected cluster, navigate to the page for the Host Transport Nodes : System -> Fabric -> Nodes -> Host Transport Nodes
  20. Click on the "ACTIONS" button for the selected cluster then choose "Detach Transport Node Profile" option and confirm the operation by clicking "DETACH" button
  21. Wait until "NSX Configuration" status is "Success" for all hosts that belong to the cluster
  22. Repeat the steps from 4 to 21 for each cluster that belongs to the vCenter selected in 3.

Apply the resolution above for each domain before performing VSAN Stretch cluster operation.

Additional Information

Guide for updating the uplink names in the Uplink profiles applied to the Host Transport Nodes.

This KB is applicable only for the customers that are done a VMware Cloud foundation upgrade from version 3.x to 4.x using MR1 and MR2 releases.
