SDDC Manager incorrectly reports subscription read-only mode after upgrade to VCF 4.5
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SDDC Manager incorrectly reports subscription read-only mode after upgrade to VCF 4.5


Article ID: 316045


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VMware Cloud Foundation



  • SDDC Manager shows subscription read-only mode after VCF 4.5 upgrade.
  • A warning banner is seen in the UI:

    SDDC manager is in subscription-ready mode that will expire in null days. Adding infrastructure to the inventory is deactivated until you complete the subscription process.

  • Skyline reports that the connection to SDDC Manager is unhealthy.
  • You are using a VMware VSPP program which is already subscription based but SDDC Manager interprets that as running a VCF+ license.
  • Seen in both new and existing deployments.


Vmware Cloud Foundation 4.5


  • The current license model used in the VCF Environment is perpetual.
  • Using the below APIs, confirm the current license model:

TOKEN=$(curl -d '{"username" : "[email protected]", "password" : "<PASSWORD>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://<SDDC-MANAGER-FQDN>/v1/tokens -k | jq -r '.accessToken')

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost/v1/licensing-info -k -i


This is a known issue that only affects VCF 4.5.0 environments and has been resolved from VCF 4.5.1 release onwards.


To workaround the issue, Reboot the SDDC Manager.

If the issue persists, attempt the following steps:

  1. Take a snapshot of the SDDC Manager VM.
  2. SSH to the SDDC Manager using vcf then su to root
  3. Edit the /opt/vmware/vcf/commonsvcs/conf/ file and add the following entries:
vi /opt/vmware/vcf/commonsvcs/conf/

 #Enable/disable the vcf subscription feature <<<< set this value to false <<<< set this value to false
  1.  Reboot the SDDC Manager and check if issue is resolved.