SDDC Manager Backup Fails - Invalid parameter: Validation failed for directory path /backup/site1 on server xx.xx.xx.xx. Please make sure backup directory is intact and sftp server has write permissions on backup path.
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SDDC Manager Backup Fails - Invalid parameter: Validation failed for directory path /backup/site1 on server xx.xx.xx.xx. Please make sure backup directory is intact and sftp server has write permissions on backup path.


Article ID: 316034


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation VMware SDDC Manager


  • SDDC Manager backups failing.
    Invalid parameter: Validation failed for directory path /backups/SDDC on server xx.xx.xx.xx. Please  ensure backup directory is intact and sftp server has write permissions on backup path.

    Sample screenshot

  • Error in /var/log/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/operationsmanager.log
    DEBUG [vcf_om,6cb1a29c326943b4,bff0] [,http-nio-
    xec-8] Unable to establish SSH session to host <SFTP_SERVER_IP>
    com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey: <SFTP_SERVER_IP>


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x

VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x



Mismatch of external sftp server's ssh keys in sddc manager known_hosts files


  • Update the ssh keys of the SFTP server in SDDC Manager known hosts files.
  • Contact Broadcom support if you need assistance