SDDC Pre-check fails at Backup user password validity with an error "check for password validity of backup user"
Article ID: 316033
Updated On:
VMware Cloud FoundationVMware SDDC Manager
VCF Management domain pre-check failed at Backup user password validity with an error.
Check for password validity of backup user
Error in SDDC Manager UI
VMware Cloud Foundation
Backup user password is expired. Review lcm logs for specific credential and reason for execution failure.
Take a snapshot of SDDC Manager VM
SSH to SDDC Manager with vcf and su to root
Verify backup user account ageing information
change -l backup
If the backup user account password is expired, perform following steps or skip to Step # 4
Switch to backup user account:
su – backup
Clear password history backup user account:
echo “” > /etc/security/opasswd
Set password for the backup user (password should be same as the backup user password when searched at lookup_passwords in SDDC Manager. : passwd < backup password from the lookup_passwords>
Repeat step 3 to validate.
Validate entity id for the backup user and update it if required in SDDC manager database:
Connect to SDDC manager platform database
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d platform
Check current entity id for BACKUP
select * from credential where username='BACKUP';
Compare BACKUP entityid with SDDC Manager id
select * from sddc_manager_controller;
If BACKUP entity id is different, update it
update credential set entityid = '<sddc-manager-id>' where username='backup';
Additionally, it's recommended to check VM name of the SDDC manager in platform database. If VM name of SDDC Manager in output is not matching with the VM name of SDDC Manager in the vCenter inventory, update it according to the VM name in the vCenter inventory, steps as follows:
select * from sddc_manager_controller;
update sddc_manager_controller set vm_name=<vm-name>;
Exit from database: \q
Run pre-check on the SDDC manager UI. If pre-check is successful, proceed for the upgrade/migration.
Additional Information
This is a blocker for the Management domain upgrade.