Deploying OVA file is failing with no supported hardware version.
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Deploying OVA file is failing with no supported hardware version.


Article ID: 315994


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


Issues detected with selected template. Details: - -1:-1:VALUE_ILLEGAL: No supported hardware versions among [vmx-21]; supported: [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-10, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15, vmx-16, vmx-17, vmx-18, vmx-19].


vCenter 7.x



- The OVA is looking for supported version: [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-10, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15, vmx-16, vmx-17, vmx-18, vmx-19].  Unsupported hardware version  [vmx-21]

- It usually occurs when an "This OVF package uses features that are not supported" error found when read VM image file from ESXi 7.0 .

- Incompatible between VM image and ESXi host.



-Take a backup copy of ovf file on local system

-Open .ovf file in text format and modify as below changes 

In the xml file you will notice



-Modify based on supported version mentioned  [vmx-04, vmx-07, vmx-08, vmx-09, vmx-10, vmx-11, vmx-12, vmx-13, vmx-14, vmx-15, vmx-16, vmx-17, vmx-18, vmx-19] in error.


-Save the file.

-Deploy OVA file.