Aria Operations 8.x
Before proceeding we recommend taking snapshot of all cluster nodes. See How to take a Snapshot of Aria Operations for more information.
To resolve the issue, delete alerts directly from the database, or clear the tables.
su - postgres -c "/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d vcopsdb -p 5432"
Note: The prompt changes to vcopsdb=> when the command is completed.
Note: The alarms table correlates to Symptoms, and the alerts table correlates to Alerts in the Aria Operations UI.
truncate table alert cascade;
truncate table alarm cascade;
Note: The above commands clear all of the symptoms and alerts present on the system. After a collection cycle or two, the alerts with present and active symptoms will be re-triggered. If alerts are emailed out via notifications or sent to a ticketing system, it is recommended to disabled those configurations temporarily until the alerts settle.
delete from alert where resource_id = resource_id;
delete from alarm where resource_id = resource_id;
Note: The resource_id value can be obtained from the Administration > Inventory page, click on the Show Columns icon in the bottom and select Internal ID. Filter for the object and use the Internal ID as the resource_id value.
In order to delete alerts / alarms older than a certain time we need to convert UTC time to UNIX epoch time. Use a time converter or online resource to convert time (ignore milliseconds).
We need to decide whether to delete alerts / alarms which were created the earliest, or which alerts / alarms were most recently updated. Using the updated time may make the most sense since those alerts / alarms are no longer present or active. If you simply went by the created time, you may delete alerts / alarms which are still active and triggering.
So once you decide on a date you wish to make your cutoff, we can then create a delete from command. For example, if we want to delete any alert which hasn't been updated for more than three months, we would use epoch time 1732500966 which is equivalent to Monday, November 24th at 19:16:06 GMT+0000.
Here are example commands we would run to delete alerts and alarms which started on or before November 24th, 2024 (we use the epoch time converter to get 1732500966):
delete from alert where start_time_utc <= '1732500966';
delete from alarm where start_time_utc <= '1732500966';
delete from alert where update_time_utc <= '1732500966';
delete from alarm where update_time_utc <= '1732500966';
delete from alert where cancel_time_utc <= '1732500966';
delete from alarm where cancel_time_utc <= '1732500966';
Or run this from a root command prompt without logging into the database. Much quicker when working with multiple systems.
root@vrops [ ~ ]# su - postgres -c "/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d vcopsdb -A -t -c 'delete from alert where update_time_utc <= '1732500966';'"
root@vrops [ ~ ]# su - postgres -c "/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d vcopsdb -A -t -c 'delete from alarm where update_time_utc <= '1732500966';'"
Here are the three alert/alarm time criteria we could choose from for our WHERE clause:
where start_time_utc
where update_time_utc
where cancel_time_utc
Note: Wait for Cluster Status to show as Offline.
Note: Wait for Cluster Status to show as Online.