To disable automatic cluster-wide upgrade and manually resume upgrade of a cluster, follow the steps below.
- Open a console or SSH session to the primary node of the Log Insight cluster and log in as root.
- Open the Cassandra CQL shell using one of the following options outlined in Accessing the Cassandra Database in Aria Operations for Logs
- At the cqlsh> prompt, select the logdb keyspace using this command:
use logdb;
- Determine the status of all historic upgrades using this command:
select version, status from upgrade_status;
Example output:
version | status
2.5.1-1234567 | Complete
2.6.3-2345678 | CreatingSnapshot
- Note the highest version number from this outputted list.
- Mark the upgrade as failed using this command:
update upgrade_status set status='Failed' where version = 'version_number';
Note: Replace version_number with the version number noted in step 8.
- Determine the cluster nodes which were in-progress upgrading to this version:
select node_id, status from node_upgrade_status where version = 'version_number';
Note: Replace version_number with the version number noted in step 8.
Example output:
node_id | status
00e80c91-41a5-####-####-########bb3 | Pending
167def1a-8034-####-####-########c5f | CreatingSnapshot
1d514478-aff1-####-####-########2be | Pending
- Note the node_id of any nodes with a status of pending.
- Set the status of all cluster nodes from step 11 to Failed:
update node_upgrade_status set status = 'Failed' where version = 'version_number' and node_id in ('none_id1','node_id2');
Note: Replace version_number, with the version number from step 8, and replace node_id1, node_id2, etc, with the node IDs found in step 11.
Example: update node_upgrade_status set status = 'Failed' where version = '2.6.3-2345678' and node_id in ('00e80c91-41a5-####-####-########bb3','1d514478-aff1-####-####-########2be')