Web Console version 10.1.5 through 10.1.9 will not function with Oracle Java SE 1.08 Builds 351 and 361 or newer
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Web Console version 10.1.5 through 10.1.9 will not function with Oracle Java SE 1.08 Builds 351 and 361 or newer


Article ID: 315812


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


You have an issue logging in through the web console (Smarts version 10.1.5 and 10.1.9) with Java 1.8.351 and 361. Issue does not exist under version 341 or lower.


Smarts version 10.1.5 and 10.1.9) with Java 1.8.351 and 361


Smarts SAM Web Console uses the OpenJDK platform, and the Oracle Java SE client is not always compatible with earlier versions of the OpenJDK build.


Upgrade to SAM Console 10.1.12 uses the Open JDK version 1.08 Build 362. This version of the console can run on the Windows Client that has the Oracle Java 1.08. Build 362. 


If upgrading the SAM console is not possible:

  1. Roll back the Windows clients to use 32-bit Java 1.08. Build 342 for SAM Console 10.1.9.
  2. Or if the SAM 10.1.5 Build 342 is not compatible, roll back to the Java 32-bit version.
  3. Have the Windows IT administrators block the JAVA updates for the user PCs that require access to the SAM Console.
  4. Once the SAM Console is upgraded to the current release, have the Windows IT administrators update the Oracle Java SE to match the OpenJDK build in the release notes and block the updates until the next Smarts SAM web console upgrade is done on the Linux server.

Review the release notes for the Smarts SAM Console version being used, to note the specific Java build that is used in that release.  This way you can be assured that that the Oracle Java SE build works with the corresponding version of the Smart SAM web console.

The following steps can be used as a work around for the Smarts SAM webconsole.
You should create a backup copy of the java.security file. 

  1. On the Windows PC, with administrator privileges, go to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_361\lib\security" directory. The path can be different for some Windows environments.
  2. Inside the security folder there is one file named java.security. 
  3. With administrator rights, create a backup copy of the file.
  4. Open this file in editor and modify below content in line number 692 and save it.

    //Add "usage SignedJAR & " as shown below in line 692 without quotes.
    jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, {color}
          DSA keySize < 1024, include jdk.disabled.namedCurves, {color}
          SHA1 usage SignedJAR & denyAfter 2019-01-01
  5. Open Configure Java from start menu
  6. Go to General->Settings->Delete files->check all options->Ok->Apply->Ok.
  7. Restart the browser and download new globalConsoleApp.jnlp and launch it. 

Note:  VMware does not support third party platforms such as the Oracle Java SE.  User assumes all risks in using this workaround.