Smarts SAM: Can I use Smarts dmctl to get information such as "owner" and "SYSTEM" on a Smarts SAM Notification list filter?
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Smarts SAM: Can I use Smarts dmctl to get information such as "owner" and "SYSTEM" on a Smarts SAM Notification list filter?


Article ID: 315798


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VMware Smart Assurance



Can I use Smarts dmctl to get information such as "owner" and "system" on a Smarts SAM Notification list filter?
Is there a method to extract information on a Smarts SAM Notification List filter using Smarts dmctl?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To  get information such as "owner" and "SYSTEM" on a Smarts SAM Notification list filter using Smarts dmctl, do the following:

  1. Using dmctl> get..., get the properties of ICS_NotificationList for the relationship called Scope.  
  2. The Scope relationship should return an instance of ICF_Criteria, which should be the filter for that notification list.
  3. Use the dmctl> get... on the ICF_Criteria instance to return the properties of the Smarts SAM Notification list filter.

An example of the dmctl command sequence is as follows:

  1. dmctl> get ICS_NotificationList::ICS_NL-Default::Scope

    { ICF_Criteria::ICF-Criteria-ICS_NL-Default-0 }
  2. dmctl> get ICF_Criteria::ICF-Criteria-ICS_NL-Default-0

Properties of ICF_Criteria::ICF-Criteria-ICS_NL-Default-0:
   CreationClassName = ICF_Criteria
         Description =
         DisplayName =
                Name = ICF-Criteria-ICS_NL-Default-0
              PartOf = { }
         ServiceName =
            criteria = {

       full_criteria = {
        isaCriterion = ICIM_Notification