Dell Power Edge System Object OID . is reporting False Temperature Alerts
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Dell Power Edge System Object OID . is reporting False Temperature Alerts


Article ID: 315796


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Dell Power Edge Server (HOST) reports Temperature Sensor OutofRange alerts when current value is below high threshold.  The Notification Properties show Lower Critical and Upper Critical Thresholds as shown below.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The Dell Power Edge System has a low and a high threshold reported, UseMIBThresholds does not work for these devices.


  1. Create a new TemperatureSensor Threshold Group specifically for these devices using the Matching Criteria
  2. In the Settings change the UseMIB thresholds to False. 
  3. Once the changes apply confirm that the devices are in the correct Temperature Threshold Settings to resolve the issue.

Additional Information

If the Dell Power Edge System have these tempsensors instrumented by TemperatureSensor_Fault_DellPowerEdge then they have a low threshold LowerCriticalThreshold.and a HighCritical Sensor