Using this tracing / debug will provide you the data that the Smarts IP is receiving from the device's SNMP Agent.
Steps to enable/disable SNMP debug on a single device in Smarts IP?
1) Roll the IP domain log. This will make it easier to read through the log file.
<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <server> exec roll_log
2) To enable debugging:
Note: The instance name should be the FQDN of the device.
<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <server> invoke ICIP_SNMPAccessorInterface::DEVSTAT-SNMP-Poller setTrace ICIM_UnitaryComputerSystem::<instance> TRUE
Keep this enabled for at least 2 to 3 polling cycles to collect the data. For example, if your polling cycle is 4 minutes, let this run for 12 minutes then disable the debugging.
Data will be in server log file in IP/smarts/local/logs/<server>.log
3) To disable debugging:
<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <server> invoke ICIP_SNMPAccessorInterface::DEVSTAT-SNMP-Poller setTrace ICIM_UnitaryComputerSystem::<instance> FALSE