ElementClassName seen in Notifications received from OI domain is NOT the value or the system name that is configured in the trap definition
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ElementClassName seen in Notifications received from OI domain is NOT the value or the system name that is configured in the trap definition


Article ID: 315779


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VMware Smart Assurance



How can I override the ElementClassName shown in Smarts SAM notifications from OI to make it match the value configured in the trap definition?

ElementClassName seen in Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) Notifications received from Smarts OI domain is not set to the value or the system name that is configured in the trap definition
Smarts SAM Notifications from OI have unexpected system name for ElementClassName

ElementClassName in Smarts SAM Notifications is showing unexpected system name


SMARTS - 10.1.X


This article provide the steps to override the ElementClassName


You can "force" the ElementClassName to be the value or the system name which is configured in the Smarts SAM trap definition as follows:

  1. Open the Smarts SAM trap_mgr.conf configuration file for editing using sm_edit.
  2. Add the following attribute in the trap definition:
    UnknownAgent: CREATE
  3. Add the following attribute in the trap definition: 
    force-occurred-on: TRUE
  4. Save and close the trap_mgr.conf configuration file.
  5. Restart the trap adapter service to apply the changes in the active environment.