Smarts Failover: Notification Processing duplicated when running a manual failover using the ic-failover-server script.
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Smarts Failover: Notification Processing duplicated when running a manual failover using the ic-failover-server script.


Article ID: 315747


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VMware Smart Assurance


To provide an explanation of the impact of the manual failover process using the ic-failover-server script activate option.

Duplicate notifications are showing in SAM domains when invoking the ic-failover-server script activate option, when both the A and B domains are running.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The manual failover process using the ic-failover-server script will cause duplicate notification processing from both Active and Standby domain during the time that Failover is Promoting the Standby domain to Active and Demoting the Active Domain to Standby


Failover is working as designed.  

The manual failover process using the ic-failover-server script will invoke duplicate notification processing from both Active and Standby domain during the time that Failover is Promoting the Standby domain to Active and Demoting the Active Domain to Standby 

Best Practice:  Is to shut down the active domain via the sm_service command and let failover control the promotion of the Standby domain to Active.  This prevents the duplicate Notification Processing and Notification Floods at the SAM level

Additional Information

See Smarts SAM: Following a manual failover to a backup SAM lots of notifications CLEAR

Duplicate Notification Processing in both Active and Standby domains involved in the ic-failover-server activate command, As well as a notification flood showing in SAM domains