Event synchronization takes too long on startup in hierarchical Smarts SAM environment, and need to prevent ICS_Notification synchronizations on startup between two Smarts SAM servers.
Smarts 10.X / 2.X
The following sections of this Fix statement explain how to prevent ICS_Notification synchronizations at startup between two Smarts SAM servers, using a SAM-Presentation server subscribing to events from SAM-Aggregation server for the examples (see Note statement).
This is done in the ic-event-driver.asl file on the SAM-Presentation server as follows:
<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_edit rules/ics/ic-event-driver.asl
subscriberFE->ignoreOldNotifications = TRUE;
subscriberFE = create("GA_SubscriberFE", driverName."-FE");
subscriberFE->subscriberName = subscriberFE->subscriberName."-".driverName;
subscriberFE->timerAlarmInterval = 10;
subscriberFE->minimumCertainty = minimumCertainty;
subscriberFE->eventSmoothingInterval = smoothingInterval;
subscriberFE->suppressSubscriptionMessages = FALSE;
subscriberFE->timeOut = timeOutFE;
subscriberFE->SendsSubscriptionsTo = domainServer;
subscriberFE->ignoreOldNotifications = TRUE;