Smarts Adapter Platform: How to Enable Tracing on SNMP Traps.
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Smarts Adapter Platform: How to Enable Tracing on SNMP Traps.


Article ID: 315731


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VMware Smart Assurance


How to Enable Tracing on SNMP Traps to provide troubleshooting steps on Smarts trap processing.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Traps not getting published to the OI domain.


How to enable tracing for your trap adapter.

In order to trace the the origin of the trap, and to log the snmp information from the trap in the trap adapter output is to use the following  traceSNMP option on the trap adapter startup.

sm_trapd -b <broker> -n <Start a server registered under name> -s <Name of Smarts server> --config=<Specify the configuration directory> -p <Alternate port for receiving traps> -M <Load a model library> sm_actions --traceSNMP <Trace incoming SNMP messages> --rules=icoi-trapd/trap_mgr_parse.asl --seed=seedfile --output

sm_trapd -b linbgy206:8002 -n HF8002-TRAP-WIN -s HF8002-OI-WIN --config=icoi -p 9876 -M sm_actions --traceSNMP --rules=icoi-trapd/trap_mgr_parse.asl --seed=seedfile --output

In addition, a packet capture between the device and the port of your trap adapter is recommended as well.
Most often troubleshooting traps requires several steps should the trap not reach the Adapter Platform (OI) Domain 

1, Making sure the trap is being sent by the device to the trap adapter or the trap exploder and then to the trap adapter. 
This where the --traceSNMP and the packet capture are very important.
Enabling debug on the trap exploder may also be helpful, as well as enabling debug on the trap adapter.
2.   Confirming that the trap follows the proper format for snmp traps. Please review the following Smarts documentation regarding Table 3-6. SNMP Trap Adapter variables starting on page 55, of the linked document below:

VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide - VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.0  

3.  Once the trap is received by the trap exploder and or trap adapter, making sure the trap definition is correct, and then device is known to OI.  

When testing traps having the packet capture filtered between the device and the trap exploder and trap receiver port is crucial to identifying the details of the trap sent and creating a proper trap definition.  Systems that do not follow the RFC for proper snmp traps are not supported in Smarts.  These type of traps will generally be ignored and you will not find any tracing in the log file for these traps. 

See the attached Trap Processing.pdf for a trap troubleshooting guide.

Additional Information


Trap processing.pdf get_app