The VSA Installer is built with the InstallAnywhere tool. Debug can be enabled before running the Smarts/NCM install package that is using the InstallAnywhere tool with below step.
Before executing Smarts/NCM Installer on the Linux VM enter below command: export LAX_DEBUG=true
- or -
setenv LAX_DEBUG true
Note: The setenv command may not be installed on Linux VM hence use export.
When Smarts/NCM installer is executed, debug entries are printed on the screen.
To have the output direct to a file you can use the command to install the Smarts software with the addition of the | tee /tmp/debug.txt
You can direct what you see on the console to a text file and modify the path and file name as
./setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin | tee /tmp/debug.txt
The Smarts Example output is below the following NCM Example.
[<UserName>@<HostName> NCM10]# setenv LAX_DEBUG=TRUE
[<UserName>@<HostName> NCM10]# ./ -i console
* * * Welcome to the Consolidated installer Setup * * *
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This installation script will run several installers one
after another in an automated fashion. Once complete, you will receive an
"Installation complete" message and be returned to the command prompt.
Do not press Ctrl-C during this process. To abort the install, type "quit"
at any of the prompts in console mode or click cancel in GUI mode.
Quitting this process prior to completion will result in a partial
product installation.
Check for NCM Installer found on system ...
[1] NCM Core
Installs the NCM Core product, Device Drivers and Documentation
[2] Adapters
Installs the NCM Smarts Adapters
[3] NCM Complete
Installs the NCM Core product and Adapters
[4] Exit
Select a Menu number option [1-4]:1
NCM Core Installation started...
Installing VMware Smart Assurance Network Configuration Manager Core
Preparing to install...
Checking for POSIX df.
Found POSIX df.
Checking tail options...
Using tail -n 1.
True location of the self extractor: /opt/NCM10/NCM_Core/NCM_10_1_4_0_48_Core_Setup_linux-x64.bin
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.30522
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData
Gathering free-space information...
Space needed to complete the self-extraction: 7280709 blocks
Available space: 8388472 blocks
Available blocks: 8388472 Needed blocks: 7280709 (block = 512 bytes)
Computed number of blocks to extract: 5729
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Extracting JRE from NCM_10_1_4_0_48_Core_Setup_linux-x64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.30522/Linux/resource/jre_padded ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Extracting JRE from /tmp/install.dir.30522/Linux/resource/jre_padded to /tmp/install.dir.30522/Linux/resource/vm.tar.Z ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Unpacking the JRE...
Unpacking the JRE...
gzip is /bin/gzip
GZIP done.
TAR done.
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Extracting from NCM_10_1_4_0_48_Core_Setup_linux-x64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData/installer.padded ...
Extracting to padded done, exit code = 0
Extracting from padded to zip done, exit code = 0
Creating disk1 data directory: /tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData/Disk1
Creating instdata data directory: /tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData
Extracting resources from NCM_10_1_4_0_48_Core_Setup_linux-x64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData/ ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
========= Analyzing UNIX Environment =================================
Setting UNIX (linux) flavor specifics.
Importing UNIX environment into LAX properties.
Checking for POSIX awk.
========= Analyzing LAX ==============================================
LAX found............................ OK.
LAX properties read.................. OK.
========= Finding VM =================================================
Valid VM types.......................... J2
Absolute LAX_VM path.................... /tmp/install.dir.30522/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java
Expanded Valid VM types................. JRE_J2 JDK_J2
WARNING! No valid available.
Searching for VMs in PATH:
Looking in:............................. /usr/xpg4/bin
Looking in:............................. /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/bin
Looking in:............................. /sbin
Looking in:............................. /bin
Found VM:............................. /bin/java
Version:............................. 1.5
Looking in:............................. /usr/sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/bin
Found VM:............................. /usr/bin/java
Version:............................. 1.5
Looking in:............................. /root/bin
Looking in:............................. /bin
Found VM:............................. /bin/java
Version:............................. 1.5
Looking in:............................. /usr/bin
Found VM:............................. /usr/bin/java
Version:............................. 1.5
Looking in:............................. /sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/sbin
Looking in:............................. /usr/local/bin
Looking in:............................. /bin
Found VM:............................. /bin/java
Version:............................. 1.5
* Using VM:............................. /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
checking for NPTL + JVM vulernability...
NPTL detected! checking for vulnerable JVM....
========= Virtual Machine Options ====================================
LAX properties incorporated............. OK.
classpath............................... "/tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.30522/InstallerData/"
main class.............................. "com.zerog.ia.installer.Main"
.lax file path.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.30522/temp.lax"
user directory.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.30522"
stdout to............................... "console"
sterr to................................ "console"
install directory....................... ""
JIT..................................... none
option (verify)......................... off
option (verbosity)...................... none
option (garbage collection extent)...... none
option (garbage collection thread)...... none
option (native stack max size).......... none
option (java stack max size)............ none
option (java heap max size)............. 368435456
option (java heap initial size)......... 16777216
option ( none
========= Display settings ===========================================
X display............................... not set
UI mode................................. console
Launching installer...
========= VM Command Line ============================================
options: -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xmx368435456 -Xms16777216
========= Forking JAVA =============================================
LAX Version = 8.0
IAResourceBundle: create resource bundle: en
IACommandLineParser::<init> ---starting---
IACommandLineParser::<init> ---ending---
InstallAnywhere 8.0.1 Enterprise
Fri Sep 17 14:48:07 BST 2021
Free Memory: 11733 kB
Total Memory: 18432 kB
4 Command Line Args:
0: -i
1: console
2: -f
3: /tmp/ia.prop
<none specified>
<none specified>
java.version == 11.0.12 (Java 1) == OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.vendor == Red Hat, Inc.
java.vm.version == 11.0.12+7-LTS == Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor == Oracle Corporation
java.vm.specification.version == 11 == Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor == Oracle Corporation
java.specification.version == 11
java.vendor == Red Hat, Inc.
java.vendor.url ==
java.class.version == 55.0
java.compiler == null
java.home == /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- == /tmp == Linux
os.arch == amd64
os.version == 3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64
path.separator == :
file.separator == /
file.encoding == UTF-8 == root
user.home == /root
user.dir == /tmp/install.dir.30522
user.language == en
user.region == null
Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
Installer: InstallAnywhere 8.0.1 Enterprise Build 3081
System's temporary directory = /tmp
Loading externalized properties
After Forking Java the installer runs through the normal prompts and there is no debugging shown on the console.
No of blocks of size 8192 to extract for custom unix file : 1
Extracting locale bundle from ./setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin to /root/custom_padded ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Extracting locale bundle from /root/custom_padded to /root/custom ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Preparing to install
Checking for POSIX df.
Found POSIX df.
Checking tail options...
Using tail -n 1.
True location of the self extractor: /root/setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.14676
Creating installer data directory: /tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData
Gathering free-space information...
Space needed to complete the self-extraction: 5185428 blocks
Available space: 71085072 blocks
Available blocks: 71085072 Needed blocks: 5185428 (block = 512 bytes)
Computed number of blocks to extract: 5729
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Extracting JRE from ./setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.14676/Linux/resource/jre_padded ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Extracting JRE from /tmp/install.dir.14676/Linux/resource/jre_padded to /tmp/install.dir.14676/Linux/resource/vm.tar.Z ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Unpacking the JRE...
Unpacking the JRE...
gzip is /usr/bin/gzip
GZIP done.
TAR done.
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Extracting from ./setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData/installer.padded ...
Extracting to padded done, exit code = 0
Extracting from padded to zip done, exit code = 0
Creating disk1 data directory: /tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData/Disk1
Creating instdata data directory: /tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData
Extracting resources from ./setup-IP-10_1_9_0-linux64.bin to /tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData/Disk1/InstData/ ...
Extracting done, exit code = 0
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
========= Analyzing UNIX Environment =================================
Setting UNIX (linux) flavor specifics.
Importing UNIX environment into LAX properties.
Checking for POSIX awk.
========= Analyzing LAX ==============================================
LAX found............................ OK.
LAX properties read.................. OK.
========= Finding VM =================================================
Valid VM types.......................... 1.7+
Absolute LAX_VM path.................... /tmp/install.dir.14676/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java
Expanded Valid VM types................. 1.7+
Java 9 or higher version detected. Adding module access switch.
========= Virtual Machine Options ====================================
LAX properties incorporated............. OK.
classpath............................... "/tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.14676/InstallerData/"
main class.............................. "com.zerog.ia.installer.Main"
.lax file path.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.14676/temp.lax"
user directory.......................... "/tmp/install.dir.14676"
stdout to............................... "console"
sterr to................................ "console"
install directory....................... ""
JIT..................................... none
option (verify)......................... off
option (verbosity)...................... none
option (garbage collection extent)...... none
option (garbage collection thread)...... none
option (native stack max size).......... none
option (java stack max size)............ none
option (java heap max size)............. 50331648
option (java heap initial size)......... 16777216
option ( none
option (Java 9 and above switch)........ --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED -Dsun.java2d.uiScale.enabled=false
========= Display settings ===========================================
X display............................... not set
UI mode................................. console
Launching installer...
========= VM Command Line ============================================
options: --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED -Dsun.java2d.uiScale.enabled=false -Xmx50331648 -Xms16777216
========= Forking JAVA =============================================
IP (created with InstallAnywhere)
Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...