Console GUI does not start: Java errors: "Cannot start application; Unable to load resource" or "Resource not found"
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Console GUI does not start: Java errors: "Cannot start application; Unable to load resource" or "Resource not found"


Article ID: 315721


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VMware Smart Assurance


You are unable to start the NCM GUI application

Can't connect to the NCM GUI and get one of the following error messages below:

Java popup says - Cannot start application 
  Unable to load resource .... .... 


"Resource not found" appears after trying to login


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The client workstation attempting to login to the Smarts NCM application is using an older or outdated cache information to connect to the installation of NCM.


Clear out the cache folder on the client computer using the steps below

Network Configuration Manager version 10.1.x

  1. On the client computer go to C:\Users\<login ID>\
  2. Locate ncm0 or ncm(any number)
  3. Completely delete the ncm0 folder and all its contents.
  4. Test by logging into Smarts NCM. Do not use any shortcuts or powerup.jnlp files. Log in by going to a web browser and typing http://<NCM SERVER> and downloading a new powerup.jnlp.