VoyenceControl: Device Server registration fails with Error: Invalid certificate detected, common name previously used
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VoyenceControl: Device Server registration fails with Error: Invalid certificate detected, common name previously used


Article ID: 315683


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Device Server registration fails

ERROR in syssyncm.log on Application Server:

Invalid certificate detected, common name previously used.

ERROR in syssyncm.log on Application Server:

SSL certificate check failed: The host is not unique to this certificate, did you copy certificates to another host?

The Application Server is unable to communicate with the Device Server.

Device Server POP line is found in cflist.

commmgrd and syssyncd processes on the Device Server continually restart and fail to initialize.

When executed on the Device Server, cflist.cgi is unable to locate pop.cf file.

$VOYENCE_HOME/data/devserver/pop.cf file is missing on the Device Server.


VMware Smart Assurance - NCM


The Device Server is using an IP address and/or Hostname previously registered with the Application Server.   The Application Server is unable to complete the registration process and cannot send the necessary configuration files back to the Device Server.


You will need to edit the .rhttps file and remove the entry corresponding to the new Device Server IP Address and/or Hostname:
  1. On the Application Server, open the $VOYENCE_HOME/data/.rhttps file for editing.

  2. Locate the line containing the IP Address and/or Hostname and remove it from the file.

  3. Save your changes and exit.

Your Application Server and Device Server should begin communicating with each other and will complete registration within five minutes.  commmgrd and syssyncd processes will startup successfully after registration completes.

Additional Information

The $VOYENCE_HOME variable is a reference to the install directory of VoyenceControl.  By default this is /opt/voyence.