Smarts Assurance Services will not run due to SELINUX being enabled on Linux / CentOS
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Smarts Assurance Services will not run due to SELINUX being enabled on Linux / CentOS


Article ID: 315670


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Provide steps on resolving the issue.

On a new Linux / CentOS install, Smarts Services start and shut down.  When you review the Domain log for SELINUX, you will find the references to the following messages if SELINUX is enabled.  

grep -i "SELINUX" INCHARGE-AM-PM_en_US_UTF-8.log


Additional messages may include:


Smarts Assurance Suite of Applications are not compatible with SELINUX. This includes SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, NPM and NCM installations. 

Customers setting up new Linux and CentOS must disable SELINUX as part of the HOST OS settings in order for Smarts to start up services correctly.


Contact your Linux / CentOS admin to Disable SELINUX.  Ideally this should be done before installing Smarts Product.
  1. Open the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file for editing in an appropriate editor.
  2. Change the SELINUX=enforcing parameter to SELINUX=disabled.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Reboot the Host OS server.
  5. After Reboot of the Host, 
  6. Verify that SeLinux is disabled by typing "sestatus".

Please note these instructions are from an external resource.  Check with your Linux / CentOS or RHCK (Red Hat Compatible Kernel) admin or vendor to confirm the steps to disable SELINUX.