During power on operation, there is a warning saying “Serial0: Parameter "serial0.fileType" has an invalid value "Thinprint”
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During power on operation, there is a warning saying “Serial0: Parameter "serial0.fileType" has an invalid value "Thinprint”


Article ID: 315641


Updated On:


VMware Desktop Hypervisor


To inform the user about the issue and its workaround.


VMware Workstation 17.5x
VMware Fusion 13.5x Pro
VMware Fusion 13.5x Player


The support for ThinPrint has been discontinued in Fusion 13.5 and Workstation 17.5. The captioned issue if observed, is because of this change for the VMs created in older releases but still having the printer device added.



In VMware Fusion

For non and partial encrypted VMs:
  1. Edit vmx file of the target VM. For more information see Editing the .vmx file for your VMware Fusion virtual machine
  2. Remove the below entries from file
    serial0.fileType = "thinprint"
serial0.fileName = "thinprint"
    serial0.present = "TRUE"
  1. Save the vmx file and close
  2. Power on the Virtual Machine

Note: for Full Encrypted VMs, there is no solution yet. If user tries to remove the TPM and decrypt the VM it may result in inconsistent behavior of the VM.

In VMware Workstation 
  1. Power Off VM
  2. Edit VM settings.
  3. Remove Printer device and save the changes