Verify that the contents are readable and do not appear to be cut off. If the contents are not readable or are cut off, restore this file from a backup or proceed to Step 4.
Verify that the entries are meaningful and correct:
If you see an entry for a virtual device or a setting that does not match what you expect, edit the settings for the virtual machine from Fusion's Virtual Machine > Settings pane. If the Settings pane has the correct information, remove the device and add it back again, or modify the settings temporarily and revert it the initial value again.
If you see an entry that that is incorrect or not meaningful, remove it.
Note: In Fusion 3.x and later, when prompted, select Take this disk away from the virtual machine currently using it.
Power on the new virtual machine that is created. If the virtual machine powers on, you may have to copy settings such as Shared/Mirrored folders or additional virtual disks. Ensure to delete the backup copy of the virtual machine.