The engineering team has provided a python script to achieve SvMotion and XvMotion of VMs within the same vCenter server. This script works only within the same vCenter and does not work across multiple vCenter servers. The script does not make any changes to the source VM; however, as a best practice, VMware recommends having backups of the VM. Customers will need to use the PowerCLI scripts to migrate between vCenter servers.
action Now the following actions are supported: 'listVMs' 'relocate_vm' (Migrate virtual machine with type 'Change both compute resource and storage'. If '-- targetHost' is specified, compute resource will be migrated to the target host) optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit -s HOST, --vcHost HOST VC host to connect. (Required) -u USER, --user USER User name of vc host. (Default: '[email protected]') -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password of vc host. -c CLUSTER_NAME, --clusterName CLUSTER_NAME Specify the cluster need to detect. (Default: 'VSAN-Cluster') -t TARGETHOST, --targetHost TARGETHOST Migrate the virtual machine to a specific host or cluster -d DATASTORENAME, --datastore DATASTORENAME Specify the destination datastore. (Default: 'vsanDatastore') -k VMS, --vm VMS Specify the VM name need to be relocated. Sample: --vms vm1,vm2 -r RP, --resourcepool RP Specify the destination resource pool. Sample: --resourcepool 'rp1'. Relocate to cluster only if no resource pool is specified -P PROVISIONTYPE, --provisionType PROVISIONTYPE Virtual disk provision type, supports: thin, thick; if omitted, thick will be taken # python /tmp/ -s <VCIP/localhost> -p <vCemterPassword> -c <Name of Destination vSAN cluster> -k <VM_name_source_cluster> -t <destination_host> -d <datastorename/vsandatastore> relocate_vm -P thick Sample command from LAB for ex. # python /tmp/ -s localhost -p '*****' -c 'Production_ALL_flash' -k 'Thick_vm-1' -t 'ESXI.test.local' -d 'vsanDatastore' relocate_vm -P thick Total cluster number: 1 Production_ALL_flash, vSAN enabled: True Virtual Mainchines in cluster: ['Thick_vm-1', 'sddc-analyzer-clone', 'Win-Cluster-2k19-H2', 'Win-cluster-2k19-H1', 'RDP-New', 'server2012', 'SRM-Primary', 'P_VC_SRM.vsensei.local', 'hytrust-Secondary', 'vijESX!3', 'VijESXI1', 'p-h3.vsensei.local', 'p-h1.vsensei.local', 'zerto-host-2', 'zerto-host-1', 'zerto-mgmt_srm-1', 'zerto-primary-vc', 'enc-h2', 'HCIBench_1.6.7.1', 'S_VC_SRM.vsensei.local', 'LAMP-Host-production', 'zerto-host-4', 'zerto-host-6', 'p-ad-vsensei.local', 'zerto-secondary-vc', 'enc-h3', 's-h3.vsensei.local', 'VijESXI4', 'enc-h1', 'Ubuntu-Dcoker', 'zerto-mgr-SRM_2', 'VMware-vRealize-Log-Insight-4.7.0', 'SRM-Secondary', 'VijayVCSA6.5', 'vSAN_Perf_Monitor', 's-h1.vsensei.local', 'vijayserver2012', 'VCSA_embd_mgmt', 'p-h2.vsensei.local', 'vmware-ioinsight-1.1.1', 'enc-h4', 'hytrust-Primary', 's-h2.vsensei.local', 'SDDC_Analyzer', 'VijESXI2', 'zerto-host-3']
python -s <vcenter_ip> -p '******' -c <CLUSTER_NAME> -k <VM_NAME> -t <HOST_IP> -d <Target_vSAN_Datastore_name> relocate_vm -P <desired_provisioning_type>
Sample command:
root@test [ /tmp ]# python -s localhost -p FIFY4+.DmvMh8xkg -c 'VSAN-Cluster' -k 'VMFS6_LZ' -t <IP_address> -d 'vsanDatastore' relocate_vm -P thin
Sys path: ['/tmp', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.10', '/usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages', '/usr/lib/vmware-vpx/pyJack/', '/usr/lib/vmware/site-packages/']
Total cluster number: 1
VSAN-Cluster, vSAN enabled: True
Virtual Mainchines in cluster: ['VMFS6_EZ1', 'test-thin', 'VMFS6_EZ', 'VMFS6_LZ', 'vCLS-06bff702-285c-4891-b888-2f54e2042099', 'vCLS-b2131de4-e733-4cad-8409-7e3c4d82e072', 'vCLS-6fe6ec61-2567-4f3a-9ae8-5a576bf5e3b9']
/tmp/ DeprecationWarning: setDaemon() is deprecated, set the daemon attribute instead
- After migration using
root@sc-rdops-vm13-dhcp-130-120:~] esxcli vsan debug object list --vm-name=VMFS6_LZ
Object UUID: 587b9766-cb2f-6c73-eb8f-020046423d38
Version: 19
Health: healthy
Size: 10.00 GB
Used: 0.01 GB
Used 4K Blocks: 0.00 GB
stripeWidth: 1
cacheReservation: 0
proportionalCapacity: 0 <=======
[root@sc-rdops-vm13-dhcp-130-120:~] /usr/lib/vmware/osfs/bin/objtool getAttr -u 587b9766-cb2f-6c73-eb8f-020046423d38
Object Attributes --
Object type:vsan
Group uuid:577b9766-0ab1-0be4-e8b3-020046423d38
Container uuid:(null)
Allocation type:Thin <=======