When using encrypted private key, replacing ingress certificate and running deploy.sh fails with 'error: failed to load key pair tls: failed to parse private key'
Article ID: 315501
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VMware Aria Suite
This article provides a workaround to import the private key.
Symptoms: When one of the following commands is used to import certificate with encrypted private key, /opt/scripts/deploy.sh fails to successfully re-deploy the services:
A known issue with the vracli command and using private encrypted keys.
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1. Download the script attached to this article. 2. Upload the script on one vRA node. 3. Make the script executable using the following command: chmod +x decrypt_key.sh 4. Use the following command to decrypt the key: decrypt_key.sh certificate_chain.pem Where 'certificate_chain.pem' is file containing the entire certificate chain. 5. When asked for password the first time, enter the password to decrypt the private key. 6. When asked for password second time, hit 'enter' key. 7. Redeploy the environment with the following command: /opt/scripts/deploy.sh