The method is disabled by '_DP-VEPA_BACKUP_RESTORE_LOCK_'
Error Stack
Call "VirtualMachine.Relocate" for object "VM-NAME" on vCenter Server "vCenter-Name" failed
The method is disabled by 'SYMC-INCR dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm'
Error Stack
Call "VirtualMachine.Relocate" for object "VM-NAME" on vCenter Server "vCenter-Name" failed
The method is disabled by 'Data Recovery'
The method is disabled by 'vSphere Data Protection'
This method is disabled by 'moref=vm-ID'
The method is disabled by XXXXXXXXXXX
Invalid / explicitly disabled state operation is invoked
table are not removed after the virtual machine backup task completes. When a virtual machine level backup begins, the backup system informs vCenter Server to disable Storage vMotion for that virtual machine to ensure that the backups can complete successfully. If no backups are active for that virtual machine when this error occurs, Storage vMotion does not automatically re-enable.Please work with 3rd party products Backup vendor to fix their code to cleanly handle enable/disable methods API.
Note: Do not proceed with the following steps until it is confirmed the backup vendor has reviewed the situation with no resolution provided.
Caution: This procedure modifies the database. Ensure to take a full backup of the existing database before proceeding with any of these options. Involve a Database Administrator if there is any difficulty with these steps.
To work around this issue, use one of these options:
Schedule another backup of the affected virtual machine. If this completes successfully, the entries should be removed from the vCenter Server database and this allows a Storage vMotion of the virtual machine.
/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres
“select * from VPX_VM WHERE FILE_NAME LIKE '%Virtual-Machine-Name%'
is the name of the virtual machine. Leave the percentage (%) signs flanking the name.vm-ID_Number
value returned by the SQL statement in step 3, as this will be required in the SQL statement in steps 5 and * from VPX_DISABLED_METHODS WHERE ENTITY_MO_ID_VAL = 'vm-ID from step 4'
delete from VPX_DISABLED_METHODS WHERE ENTITY_MO_ID_VAL = 'vm-ID from step 4'