'Fatal: password authentication failed for user postgres' error while upgrading vCenter Server 6.5 during pre-check
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'Fatal: password authentication failed for user postgres' error while upgrading vCenter Server 6.5 during pre-check


Article ID: 315294


Updated On: 07-16-2019


VMware vCenter Server



You see below symptoms when vCenter Server is configured to use the embedded vPostgres database.

  • Upgrade of vCenter to 6.5 fails during pre-check with message:
Please ensure extensions are compatible with the new vCenter Server and re-register extensions with the new vCenter Server after upgrade.

Please refer to the vSphere documentation on extensions, and the upgrade and interoperability guides.Error: Error while reading data from the vCenter Server database: psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"


VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x


This issue occurs due to incorrect password information for postgres user in the %appdata%\postgresql\pgpass.conf file.


To resolve this error 'Fatal: password authentication failed for user postgres' follow the below steps:
  • Rename or move the pgpass.conf file
  • Run the pre-upgrade check again