"There are conflicts from the patches ESXi670-201904001, ESXi670-201904211-UG, ESXi670-201905001, ESXi670-201906002, ESXi670-201911001, ESXi670-Update02, ESXi670-Update03 selected for staging or remediation" while Staging critical patched to ESXi 6.7 U3
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"There are conflicts from the patches ESXi670-201904001, ESXi670-201904211-UG, ESXi670-201905001, ESXi670-201906002, ESXi670-201911001, ESXi670-Update02, ESXi670-Update03 selected for staging or remediation" while Staging critical patched to ESXi 6.7 U3


Article ID: 315285


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • While staging the critical patches on VMware ESXi 6.7 U3 it fails with error "There are conflicts from the patches ESXi670-201904001, ESXi670-201904211-UG, ESXi670-201905001, ESXi670-201906002, ESXi670-201911001, ESXi670-Update02, ESXi670-Update03 selected for staging or remediation."
There are conflicts from the patches ESXi670-201904001, ESXi670-201904211-UG, ESXi670-201905001, ESXi670-201906002, ESXi670-201911001, ESXi670-Update02, ESXi670-Update03 selected for staging or remediation.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7


This issue occurs when there is conflict in one or more VIBs in the critical patches package.


To resolve the error follow the steps below:
  1. Remove the conflicting VIB. Refer the events for the Conflict VIB Name.
    • Example: EMU_bootbank_scsi-be2iscsi is having issues. 
    • Make sure the VIB is not in use and then remove this VIB using below command
      • esxcli software vib remove --vibname <VIB_NAME>
  2. Proceed with the staging of critical patches.