Compute Policies can be created from the UI only when having categories with associable entity types
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Compute Policies can be created from the UI only when having categories with associable entity types


Article ID: 315266


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


The user is unable to create a compute policy from the UI using a category that has no explicitly set associable entity type. If this category is searched for in the "New Compute Policy" dialog, it is not listed as result.


While creating a Compute Policy, based on it's type, the user needs to enter names of the Category and Tag that can be assigned to VM and/or Host. If there are Categories with at least VM as assignable type (depending on the policy that will be created, category with assignable type Host can also be needed) these categories will be listed as result. But if there are categories having no explicitly set assignable entity type, these will not be listed as results and thus it won't be possible to create policy with them.


To resolve this issue, create a category that has at least Virtual Machine or Host (depending on the policy that will be created) as assignable type.