Attempting to remove a host from the inventory when it is connected to vDS generates an error
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Attempting to remove a host from the inventory when it is connected to vDS generates an error


Article ID: 315250


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server



This error indicates that you are attempting to remove a host from the inventory that is connect to a vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS). When the host is connected to a vDS, it cannot be removed from the inventory.


Example Errors

Cannot remove the host hostname because it's part of vDS switch_name.


The resource 'port-id' is in use.


Ensure that the host is no longer connected to the vDS, then remove the host.

To ensure that the host is no longer connected to the vDS:

  1. Log in to vCenter Server using the vSphere Client.
  2. Right-click on the host and select Disconnect.
  3. Click Home > Inventory > Networking.
  4. Click on the vDS.
  5. Click Hosts.
  6. Right-click on the host, and click Remove from vDS.
  7. Click Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters.
  8. Right-click the host and select Remove.
  9. Re-add the same host back to the inventory.
  10. Re-connect the host back to the vDS.
Note: If the host is still connected to a portgroup, such as management, the vmkernel or VM in that portgroup must be migrated to another switch or deleted to allow removal from the vDS.


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