"Failed to update the description of the recovered vApp..." error when performing a test failover in Cloud Director Availability 4.0
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"Failed to update the description of the recovered vApp..." error when performing a test failover in Cloud Director Availability 4.0


Article ID: 315149


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director



  • When performing a test failover of a replicaiton in Cloud Director Availability 4.0, the task fails, and you see a similar error:
Failed to update the description of the recovered vApp 'vApp-Name'.
  • This issue occurs if you are using vCloud Director or older.
  • In /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.log on the Cloud Replication Management Appliance, you see entries similar to:
2020-10-21 13:53:48.071 DEBUG - [UI-9bd4d53a-####-####-####-########b23-Qg] [job-31] com.vmware.h4.jobengine.JobExecution     : Adding warning Warning{error=com.vmware.h4.cloud.api.exceptions.FailedToUpdateVappDescrioptionException: Failed to update the description of the recovered vApp 'Web-Server1'., cause=com.vmware.vcloud.client.exception.VcloudException: (Major code = 403, minor code = ACCESS_TO_RESOURCE_IS_FORBIDDEN) - Access is forbidden} to task 2c55db19-####-####-####-########19c

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware vCloud Availability 3.0.x
VMware vCloud Availability 4.0.x
VMware vCloud Availability 3.5.x


This issue can occur due to a user security context caching behavior in vCloud Director 9.7.0.x when test failover API calls are sent from Cloud Director Availability to vCloud Director.


This is a known issue affecting vCloud Director 9.7.0.x
This issue is resolved in vCloud Director, available at Broadcom Downloads.