This is a known issue affecting Cloud Director 10.5.1.
Currently, there is no resolution.
To workaround this issue, modify the methods Cloud Director disables for RT VMs in both Test Failover and Replication modes via the Cell Management Tool on one of the Cloud Director cells.
Note: This procedure only changes the behaviour for new failovers or migrations and will not impact existing recovered Virtual Machines. For recovered Virtual Machines that encountered the issue prior to these changes, the resulting objects will will need to be manually renamed to the desired value.
- Create a backup of the destination Cloud Director environment.
- Open an SSH session to one of the Cloud Director cells at the destination location.
- Use the Cell Management Tool command to modify the disabled methods list for RT VMs in Test Failover mode:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n TestFailoverModeRtVmDisabledMethods -v "CreateSecondaryVM_Task; CreateSecondaryVMEx_Task; DisableSecondaryVM_Task; EnableSecondaryVM_Task; InstantClone_Task; MakePrimaryVM_Task; MarkAsTemplate; MarkAsVirtualMachine; MigrateVM_Task; RelocateVM_Task; RemoveAllSnapshots_Task; SendNMI; setCustomValue; StartRecording_Task; StartReplaying_Task; StopRecording_Task; StopReplaying_Task; TerminateFaultTolerantVM_Task; TurnOffFaultToleranceForVM_Task; CloneVM_Task; Destroy_Task; PromoteDisks_Task; ConsolidateVMDisks_Task; DefragmentAllDisks;"
- Use the Cell Management Tool command to modify the disabled methods list for RT VMs in Replication mode:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n ReplicationModeRtVmDisabledMethods -v "AcquireMksTicket; AcquireTicket; AnswerVM; ApplyEvcModeVM_Task; AttachDisk_Task; CheckCustomizationSpec; ConsolidateVMDisks_Task; CreateScreenshot_Task; CreateSecondaryVM_Task; CreateSecondaryVMEx_Task; CryptoUnlock_Task; CustomizeVM_Task; DefragmentAllDisks; DetachDisk_Task; DisableSecondaryVM_Task; EnableSecondaryVM_Task; ExtractOvfEnvironment; InstantClone_Task; MakePrimaryVM_Task; MarkAsTemplate; MarkAsVirtualMachine; MigrateVM_Task; MountToolsInstaller; PowerOffVM_Task; PowerOnVM_Task; PromoteDisks_Task; PutUsbScanCodes; QueryChangedDiskAreas; QueryUnownedFiles; RebootGuest; RefreshStorageInfo; Reload; RelocateVM_Task; RemoveAllSnapshots_Task; ResetGuestInformation; ResetVM_Task; SendNMI; setCustomValue; SetDisplayTopology; SetScreenResolution; ShutdownGuest; StandbyGuest; StartRecording_Task; StartReplaying_Task; StopRecording_Task; StopReplaying_Task; SuspendVM_Task; TerminateFaultTolerantVM_Task; TerminateVM; TurnOffFaultToleranceForVM_Task; UnmountToolsInstaller; UpgradeTools_Task; CloneVM_Task;"
Note: These changes apply to the entire Cloud Director instance and only needs to be run once on any Cloud Director cell.
- Confirm that the changes have applied using the following commands:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n TestFailoverModeRtVmDisabledMethods -l
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool manage-config -n ReplicationModeRtVmDisabledMethods -l
Note: These commands will not return any values prior to the updates made in the previous step.