- When you perform a Test Cleanup, the task fails, and you see a message similar to:
Failed to delete failover test vm...
- When powering on the failover test virtual machine, either as a part of the Test Failover or manually in the destination Virtual Data Center, the power on action fails and you see a message in Cloud Director similar to:
Total memory required for all VMs in the VRP including current VM being deployed [1,048,576MB] is greater than VRP maxResourceValue 1,019,200MB
- In the destination Virtual Data Center you see the failover test VM is in an unresolved state after the failed Test Cleanup.
- In the /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.log file on the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance, you see an entry similar to:
2023-06-09 16:47:27.056 ERROR - [UI-a1edfdc8-####-####-####-########5349-r5490-o1-8mn] [job-73] c.v.h.c.job.VmCleanupFailoverTestJob : Failed to delete test failover VM 7deae11f-####-####-####-########632
java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for vcdVm to settle: 7deae11f-####-####-####-########632
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.