"Failed to delete failover test vm..." error when performing a Test Cleanup in Cloud Director Availability 4.x
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"Failed to delete failover test vm..." error when performing a Test Cleanup in Cloud Director Availability 4.x


Article ID: 315090


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director



  • When you perform a Test Cleanup, the task fails, and you see a message similar to:
Failed to delete failover test vm...
  • When powering on the failover test virtual machine, either as a part of the Test Failover or manually in the destination Virtual Data Center, the power on action fails and you see a message in Cloud Director similar to:
Total memory required for all VMs in the VRP including current VM being deployed [1,048,576MB] is greater than VRP maxResourceValue 1,019,200MB
  • In the destination Virtual Data Center you see the failover test VM is in an unresolved state after the failed Test Cleanup.
  • In the /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.log file on the Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance, you see an entry similar to:
2023-06-09 16:47:27.056 ERROR - [UI-a1edfdc8-####-####-####-########5349-r5490-o1-8mn] [job-73] c.v.h.c.job.VmCleanupFailoverTestJob     : Failed to delete test failover VM 7deae11f-####-####-####-########632
java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for vcdVm to settle: 7deae11f-####-####-####-########632
at com.vmware.h4.cloud.job.VmCleanupFailoverTestJob.removeVcdVm(VmCleanupFailoverTestJob.java:244)

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.x


This error occurs when the destination Virtual Data Center does not have enough memory quota to power on the failover test VM, leaving the VM with a task in progress in an error state. While the failover test VM has a task in progress, Cloud Director Availability is unable to delete the VM as a part of the Test Cleanup task.


This is a known issue affecting Cloud Director Availability 4.x.
Currently, there is no resolution.

To work around this issue, you can manually delete the failover test VM from the destination Virtual Data Center in Cloud Director.