The impact of Cloud Director being offline has on Cloud Director Availability
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The impact of Cloud Director being offline has on Cloud Director Availability


Article ID: 315074


Updated On: 08-20-2020


VMware Cloud Director


This article provides information on the impact of a Cloud Director instance being unavailable has on Cloud Director Availability.


VMware Cloud Director Availability 4.x


When a Cloud Director instance is offline, any Cloud Director Availability instance associated with it will be impacted in the following ways:
  • You are unable to log into Cloud Director Availability using Cloud Director credentials.
  • You are unable to configure new protections or migrations.
  • You are unable to manage existing protections or migrations.
  • If the Cloud Director instance that is offline is in the destination site of a replication, you are unable to test failover, failover, or migrate that replication.
Existing replications will continue to synchronize as per their RPO settings and will not be impacted by the Cloud Director instance being offline.