- When creating a replication for a VM that was previously replicated using Cloud Director Availability, the task fails and you see a similar error:
Replication is already enabled.
- The VM is not visible in the Cloud Director Availability portal under existing replications.
- When checking the replication status of the source VM on the ESXi host, you see a similar message:
(vim.fault.ReplicationVmConfigFault) {
faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
faultMessage = <unset>,
reason = "replicationNotEnabled",
vmRef = 'vim.VirtualMachine:77'
msg = "The vSphere Replication configuration of the virtual machine has an issue: Replication is not enabled."
- In the Source Replications view of the Replicator in the source site, you see a replication with a VM ID matching the source VM's MORef.
- Deleting the replication from the Source Replications view fails, and you see a similar error:
Replication with id 'H4-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' was not found.