- When performing a failover for a replication, the task fails and you see an error similar to:
Unexpected vCloud Director error. [ UI-########-####-####-####-########b9c8-r2312-vR-4e-########-####-####-####-########c1cf ] The selected VM is not ready to be imported. Try again in a few minutes.
- In the destination vCenter Server, you can see that the recovered virtual machine fails to register in the vCenter inventory.
- In the /var/log/hostd.log file on the destination ESXi host, you see entries similar to:
2022-05-12T17:08:02.557Z verbose hostd[2105953] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52573622########-######2590000000/########-####-####-####-########000/vmname.vmx opID=########-####-####-####-########000000-HMS-19551-0-01-33-d890 user=vpxuser:VSPHERE.LOCAL\com.vmware.vr-########-####-####-####-########0000] LoadFromConfig message: Unable to load configuration file '/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52573622########-######250000000/########-####-####-####-########0000/vmname.vmx'.
--> File "/vmfs/volumes/vsan:52573622########-######2590000000/########-####-####-####-########000/vmname.vmx" line 100: Variable "ethernet0.startConnected" is already defined.
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.