To resolve this issue, add the .vmdk extension to the affected files and ensure the vmx and vmdk descriptor files link to the disk file with the correct extension before attempting to replicate it again.
- Power off the impacted virtual machine.
Note: This is done from Cloud Director if the source site is a Cloud Site or vCenter Server if the source site is an On-Premises Site.
- SSH to the ESXi host the virtual machine is on.
- Navigate to the datastore and directory of the virtual machine.
- Take a backup of the vmdk descriptor file and vmx file:
cp vmName vmName.bak
cp vmName.vmx vmName.vmx.bak
Note: Replace vmName with the name of the affected files.
- Add the .vmdk extension to the descriptor and flat disk files where it is missing:
mv vmName vmName.vmdk
mv vmName-flat vmName-flat.vmdk
- Verify that all disk files now contain the .vmdk extension:
ls -l
- Edit the vmdk descriptor file:
vi vmName.vmdk
- In the # Extent description section, ensure the flat disk file name contains the .vmdk extension.
# Extent description
RW 8388608 VMFS "vmName-flat.vmdk"
- Edit the vmx file:
vi vmName.vmx
- For the disk file name entry, ensure the descriptor files contain the .vmdk extension.
scsi0:0.fileName = "vmName.vmdk"
- Reload the vmx file.
- Power on the virtual machine.
Once you have verified the virtual machine is working as expected, you can remove the backup files and reattempt configuring the replication.