- Configuring replications for a virtual machine with hardware version 4 or older fails with the error:
The operation could not be completed due to old vm hardware version.
- In /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.log on the Cloud Replication Management appliance, you see a similar message:
2020-06-26 14:23:58.681 ERROR - [UI-########-####-####-####-########0ce9-Ed-ST] [task-poller-2] com.vmware.h4.jobengine.JobExecution : Task ########-####-####-####-########1e15 (WorkflowInfo{type='start', resourceType='vmReplication', resourceId='C4-########-####-####-####-########9dab', isPrivate=false, resourceName='null'}) has failed
com.vmware.h4.replicator.api.exceptions.IncompatibleHardwareVersion: The operation could not be completed due to old vm hardware version.
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.